Father. Oh Father we praise you. Worship you. Adore you. You are the King of Glory. Our good, good Father. Today we recognize our earthly fathers and I give thanks for each one represented in our PFTNG family. Lord God. I thank you for the young men we pray over every week. Those names we lift up to you and I pray for the next generation of men to rise up as Godly Fathers. Prepare them now for the role as husband and father you have for them. I pray above all they love you and seek you first as the example of the only true perfect Father. I pray they seek you for wisdom and when they lack wisdom they seek the Almighty One who knows all. Jesus, the One who came to do the will of His Father we come in Your Name. Amen.

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January 2024

So much has happened in the last weeks that I’ve wanted to pick up the phone and call many of you with an update. Today I was stirred to share our ministry news and encourage you all to continue to press on and pray for this next generation. God is on the move!


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