February Focus – Promise of God’s Unfailing Love
It seemed to happen so fast – February is here. Sweet, short, loveable February. Maybe you made a resolution in January that didn’t quite get off the ground or maybe you are just killing it with your reading plan, that new workout or habit. No matter where January ended, February brings a fresh start and that beloved holiday…Valentine’s Day, and the (almost) start of the Lenten season (March 5 this year).
We can’t help but see all the hearts, candy, cards, and flowers surrounding us. (I seem to have accumulated 5 pink sweaters!) And for those of us that know God, what an opportunity to focus on His Promises over us and the next generation with HIS unfailing love, word and what HE says about Love. And oh, how HE LOVES US!!
Each month PFTNG focuses on a promise of God and February’s Promise is to, “Pray for the next generation to know Jesus paid it all for every one of us. Pray that the next generation will cling to the promise of God’s unfailing Redemption and unfailing love, and that no matter how far they may have strayed – they will know God’s love is always there. He Promises Eternal Life.” Titus 1:2
Here are just a few things God’s word says about us. We are: Loved, Rescued, Beautiful, Forgiven, Pre-Approved, Adopted, Known, Beloved, Protected, Saved, Transformed, Blessed, Radiant, Freed, Lavished in Love and more!!! Let’s remind our students of this!
He loved us so much that He sent Jesus into this world to save us. To redeem us and claim us for His. (John 3:16) I could go on and on and on, but I thought for the next few weeks maybe you’d like to join me in diving into God’s word and focusing for the next 28 days on what the Bible says about LOVE!!
Pray before you start and spend a few minutes soaking in what He wants to reveal to you about HIS LOVE!! And perhaps He will open doors to conversations and opportunities to share with our next generation. I will post these at the start of each week in February. And continue to share prayers specific to the next generation as we always do.
February 1 Mark 12:28-31
February 2 Luke 6:27-36
February 3 Romans 12:9 – 16
February 4 Romans 13:8-10
February 5 1 Corinthians 13:1-7
February 6 1 Corinthians 13:8-13
February 7 Ephesians 4:1-6
It truly is the greatest love story out there and He is so worthy to be PRAISED!!
PRAYER, “Oh, my Lord. How you love us. You created us for your Glory. You came down from Heaven to live the sinless example of Love and I thank you for your Word that is a lamp unto our feet. A love story filled with treasure. I pray that for the next month Lord we will focus on your love like never before. And as we soak in these verses may you speak to each of us as we pray over our children and the next generation. Reveal exactly what you want to reveal in every one of our hearts because we are each uniquely created for YOU!! In Jesus Name, Amen.”
I love this! Thank you for adding scripture references 💚
Thank you for this! A love story filled with treasure! Thank you Jesus! Praying for my girl and others to find that treasure again.
Thank you!