13 Campuses and Counting! – PFTNG Ministry Update

When God led me to start Praying for the Next Generation with a small group of women at my children’s high school, I had NO IDEA that He was planting seeds for a movement that would begin at Auburn as my son commenced his freshman year in 2019.
I had NO IDEA that a Covid Zoom prayer call with Auburn Moms would lead to the start of PFNG.
I had NO IDEA when this non-profit was formed and PFTNG was officially launched, that THIS DAY would come.
Today we are officially ministering on 11 campuses with 2 more about to kick-off.
Florida State
Georgia Southern
Georgia Tech
Kentucky (launched this week)
Ole Miss (launched last week)
Mississippi State
Tennessee Technical
and coming soon…
Boston University
James Madison University

And I had NO IDEA that God would open the door for the first PFTNG Gathering of all our Board Members and Shepherds.
I stand in awe of God. Of His Majesty and movement and orchestration. I could not have known what to ask for. He has done it all.

Please join me in praying over our time together as our PFTNG Team fellowships this evening for dinner and meets tomorrow to share of His mighty deeds and wonders and plan for all that He has ahead for PFTNG. My heart is to one day soon have a PFTNG retreat for ALL moms across ALL college campuses. 

I am most grateful for each one who has said YES. For the moms who have come alongside and trusted us as we pray for revival in the hearts of the next generation. For each one of you who has prayed for us to grow, for the resources that you have graciously given. Through all of you, He has provided for all our needs. As we continue to grow, please continue to pray and give as you are led. We trust in Him with all our hearts.
God Bless You,
Barbara and the PFTNG Team

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January 2024

So much has happened in the last weeks that I’ve wanted to pick up the phone and call many of you with an update. Today I was stirred to share our ministry news and encourage you all to continue to press on and pray for this next generation. God is on the move!


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  1. God multiples. You are a faithful and obedient servant. May God’s blessing and favor be on this ministry and Ultimately the next generation to know God, love God, serve God with their whole heart, mind and spirit.